well as everyone knows i am a hairstylist and i am now working for fantastic sams and i really am loving it. i work full time, i work with 2 amazing girls that just make the day go by so much faster i have been working there since December 17, 2008 and i love it. with the economy i am getting alittle scared of what will happen but i have high hopes for what will come. for now i am loving it and hope to do it for awhile...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My Job
Posted by little family at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
December update!!
************Time for the Little Family Update!*************
For our little family everything seems to be getting back together. Kortney and I are so happy and getting happier every day. Kortney: Is still in her Pre-Pre-School and loving every time she goes because she gets to bring her pack pack with her, she is still in daycare and loves to go to there as well to play with all her little friends and her teachers she just loves. Me: On the other hand have been out of work for some time about 2-3 months and have been juggling the idea of going back to school to be a nurse, but I keep think to myself of all that comes with it and i just don't know if i am ready for 4 more years of school it is for sure something that I am going to keep in my head and make a 100% decision on it but not right now. I recently got a job at another Fantastic Sam's but right down the street to my house witch will be so much easier, It is only part time but more room to improve so I am very excited and cant wait. I want to give out my thanks to my big family:
Brooks, Brianne, Conner: I want to thank you for always being there for me when I needed someone to hang out with. Brooks you are the biggest pest but I would not want anyone else to bug me but you in a million years I love ya LITTLE brother, Brianne your the sister I never had and i am so glad brooks brought you into our family or i would have gone crazy by now, you are always there when i need just a little more help with my life. Conner Aunt NENE loves you.
Colby, Camie, and Carlie: I know the roads have been thick and we all have had our problems in life but i am glad that we are all moving forward together as a family like we all should be, Colby you are my BIG brother and i love that i have such a great example to look up to for my life of how i want to be and who i would love to marry when i am asked what kind of guy would i want to marry i always say "give me someone like my big brother and i will be the most luckiest girl in the world." Camie, you are such a lucky girl to have my brother i know things have been tough but i am glad that you are apart of our family so that we can get to know the real you i am glad we are moving forward with life and getting to know each other. Carlie, my little thunder thighs i love ya.
Mom and Dad/Nana and Papa: i don't know what to say to you 2 because no words can put into how i feel for you guys. Mom you are always there when i need someone to yell at and i am sorry i take my problems and frustrations out on you but i know that you can take it and tell me how to over come everything in a positive way. You are the mom that i cant wait to be in the future i love you so much mom and thank you for everything, i wish i could have my daughter back but she is so in love with her Nana and wants to be connected to her hip thank you. Dad you are the biggest teddy bear and i cant believe anyone is afraid of you. I know that i can come to you when i need some help with a problem or just need someone to vent to and you will just sit there and hear me out and watch me cry but in the end you give me the look that don't worry i am here and we will get through this i thank you from the bottom of my heart. i don't know who kortney would turn to if you were not here either way to much stuff breaks in our house that there would be no one to fix it!! we love you dad/papa your the best.
For the rest of the clan: Thank you so much for being apart of Kortney and I's life you are the best family that everyone is so jealous that i have. you are caring and would help at the drop of a hat. Thank you again and i love you all.
Love always,
Whitney and Kortney
Posted by little family at 2:27 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tracy Lawrence concert
On Friday November 14, 2008 wow i went to the westerner with tami brandon and myself to see none other than

Posted by little family at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
update for November
well it is time again to update what is going 0n with me and my dear Kortney lee!.
Kortney- she is 3 going on 21! she has this little attitude with everyone when she does not get something or is trying to explain what she wants when y0ur just not getting the right picture! she is still in a special class in the Jordan Valley Development Center and doing really great trying new words everyday she comes back i wish the class was long but who knows. she is so excited for who is coming soon :SANTA: and is already making your list. she goes through the magazines with her Nana almost every night showing her what she wants even sometimes circles them for when Nana looks at them so she knows (just like her mom does!)
Whitney- i am currently still unemployed and really sad about it but you have to understand that finding a hairstylist job is not like finding any other job. you find the job, give the resume to them, wait to hear from them if not call them and the answer has been "we are not hiring right now but we will keep your resume on file" or " we only have part time" and if you do get a interview you have to find a model to give a hair cut on and if they like your hair cut then you get the interview so that is life in the hairstylist world. i have also decided that i am going to go back to school to be a nurse like my mommy and i am taking Brianne (best sister in the world) with me to school don't know how we are going to do it with needing to work and having kids but we have a great family and know if we take it one day at a time we can do. well that is all for now hope all is well for all you guys out there miss ya BYE BYE!!!....
Posted by little family at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
bowling night!!
brooks through the legs
Posted by little family at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
well i always say that you should dream as big as you can! so what do you think of Kortney as a redhead? "HEY" hahahaha lol she is so cute trying to be the little mermaid and i think she looks better than her!
Posted by little family at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
excited for halloween
can you tell we are excited for Halloween? well we are, and i cant keep her out of her outfits... this one we are showing off is the 60's girl dress with little poodle and snow whites/wizard of oz red shoes.
and we have now added a witch hat to the mix.. and she is even trying to scare me but it is not working because how can this face be scary!! i love her so much
Posted by little family at 12:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Posted by little family at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Kortney and Felicity
Posted by little family at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Posted by little family at 3:01 PM 0 comments
ONLY meal for kortney
I have to report what my daughter eats for her three meals a day now! thanks to G'ma and G'pa Price who got all there grand kids addicted to Coco and Toast we have now past it down to the Great Grandkids. my daughter will only eat Coco and Toast for breakfast, lunch, dinner!!! ONLY!! and it has to be done a curtian way or she wont eat alot of it so picky just like her Great G'ma Price and her Nana! ahahaha
Posted by little family at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
kitty PJ's from Nana
Posted by little family at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I have to say I am very proud of my self because i have been Strong and i have done the most hardest thing ever. Yes I took the binki away and i have to say it has been so wonderful. I love that i don't have to always be looking for one, tell her to take it out when i can't understand her talking, she just looked like she should not have one she is 3 years old i mean what was i thinking. I do have to say though that the nap time and night time have been tough but i am okay and i am standing Strong that's for sure!

Posted by little family at 12:02 PM 0 comments
this funny little video is of kortney and her trying to sing sunshine all by herself and then i didnt have time for a hour video so she decided to say hi to everyone really cute only 13 seconds but super cute!!
Posted by little family at 12:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
First day of Preschool
Every Tuesday at 2:00 pm Kortney goes to Preschool and is there for not long at all. Ever since Kortney was sick with the bacterial spinal menigitus the doctors said that the medication that she had to use would either effect her sight, hearing, speach. So far it has only effected her speach and she has been getting help with that. she is in the Jordan Valley Development Center program and i am so happy with the program because she is trying harder and wanting to do more words we are still not caught up yet but we are sure close to it. She has homework (i have homework) every week coloring, reading, word sounds to do every week and she loves it.
Posted by little family at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
mean face
this is kortney's mean face or so she thinks it is! her cousin conner has a mean and it is alot meaner but she tries her hardest to be mean.
this is her after face after trying to be mean and trying not to laugh... she has a very big personality you all are missing out....
Posted by little family at 10:56 AM 0 comments