so here yet again is another update on kortney and I... i don't know if anyone still reads this anymore but yes i do update when i get a min to myself, so here we go there is alot that has happened.
Kortney: well she is 4 now and she is still going to Challenger 3 days a week and she still loves it so much, she is a dancing, singing, butt wiggling princess who is trying to figure out her place right now which mean ATTITUDE. we just had HALLOWEEN and she was a fairy very cute fair picture soon coming!
as for me where do i begin: I again yes switched jobs in June and i have been with the same company since then, i was in south Jordan at a place called dollar cuts as a assistant manager then i was asked about 8 weeks later to go to Draper and be the manager up there so i thought it was a great opportunity and i wouldn't pass it up so i have been in draper since august 13 2009. ummm October 16 i got my tonsils out and man i don't think i would do it again as of right now. on day 13 i started to bleed in the back of my throat and at 4am i was in the ER and at 6am i was in the O.R getting the blood to stop witch took 90 mins not 20 like he was thinking so as of right now i am still in recovery and i do hurt but i feel better witch is good i hope all finger crossed :) other than that i believe that is it for us haahahah sorry so long between updates but if i think of anything else i will post it up love you all and hope you all are doing well
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Posted by little family at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Update for Our little family!

Posted by little family at 1:19 PM 0 comments
My Niece Carlee
this is my cutiest niece Carlee! she is so sweet and funny and oh boy can she throw a tantrum, she is 1 years old and has thighs for everyone i just love chasing her and getting her to giggle...
Posted by little family at 1:06 PM 0 comments
my growing nephew
Well all here is conner! he is 2 years old and growing so very big just like his daddy. we dont get to see him much but we are hoping that changes soon. i love him with all my heart and hope that everyday he is good. i love you conner and aunt neenee loves you and hopes to see you soon.
Posted by little family at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Markers and Magic Erasers
Posted by little family at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
2009 update
-Our Update-
Kortney and I are doing just fantastic i think i would say. Kortney has been doing really well she has been sick alot lately with a ear infections and it is clearing up but it just seems like it gets worse everytime she has it. Kortney is going to start going to a different school than before she will be going to Challenger school she will be starting March 2, 2009 and she cant wait.
as for me i am working really hard still at fantastic sams in south jordan that i have been at for the last 3 months. i work 2 days and 2 nights and all day saturday. i just hope that i will still have a job still in a few months because of the economy is going down and down so i hope that i can stay with the job that i love but i am thinking to go back to school to better my education with getting things added to my resume, i would love to do facials, pedicures ect.. so we will see what happens.... well i love you all so much and sorry it has taken me so long to update you all if you have any questions just write me on here....
Posted by little family at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
kortney in school
Posted by little family at 10:56 PM 0 comments