Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2009 update

-Our Update-

Kortney and I are doing just fantastic i think i would say. Kortney has been doing really well she has been sick alot lately with a ear infections and it is clearing up but it just seems like it gets worse everytime she has it. Kortney is going to start going to a different school than before she will be going to Challenger school she will be starting March 2, 2009 and she cant wait.

as for me i am working really hard still at fantastic sams in south jordan that i have been at for the last 3 months. i work 2 days and 2 nights and all day saturday. i just hope that i will still have a job still in a few months because of the economy is going down and down so i hope that i can stay with the job that i love but i am thinking to go back to school to better my education with getting things added to my resume, i would love to do facials, pedicures ect.. so we will see what happens.... well i love you all so much and sorry it has taken me so long to update you all if you have any questions just write me on here....