Here is the update on Kortney and I. Well my little angle is now in school at Challenger School and she is having the time of her life. She goes three times a week Monday Wednesday and Friday for 3 hours. She hates that it is not 5 days because on her days home she keeps asking me when she is going back... she is almost 4 years old and has the attitude of a 21 year old she knows how to do her own hair use a curling iron, a straightener, put her hair and everyone elses hair in a pony tail.. haha she is so much fun and i love every mint i get to share with her and wake up with her and eat french toast or coco and toast hahah... thanks grandma price~ as for me: i have changed jobs yet again i know but fantastic sams was going down the hole. i am now working at a place in riverton doing hair it is called Fresh Hair i love it. the women i work with are great and i think i will be here for awhile it is a great location with alot of through traffic that see that we are here and come in riverton is getting bigger and bigger! so that is that and i hope all of you out there are doing great and enjoying life like we are... we miss you all and hope to see you soon the one i cant wait to see is my nephew Brock T. Catmull i am so excited for him to come in June....