Every Tuesday at 2:00 pm Kortney goes to Preschool and is there for not long at all. Ever since Kortney was sick with the bacterial spinal menigitus the doctors said that the medication that she had to use would either effect her sight, hearing, speach. So far it has only effected her speach and she has been getting help with that. she is in the Jordan Valley Development Center program and i am so happy with the program because she is trying harder and wanting to do more words we are still not caught up yet but we are sure close to it. She has homework (i have homework) every week coloring, reading, word sounds to do every week and she loves it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
First day of Preschool
Posted by little family at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
mean face
this is kortney's mean face or so she thinks it is! her cousin conner has a mean and it is alot meaner but she tries her hardest to be mean.
this is her after face after trying to be mean and trying not to laugh... she has a very big personality you all are missing out....
Posted by little family at 10:56 AM 0 comments
this is her always pose when she gets her picture taken by me. and when she is wanting to take your picture she makes you do the pose as well or your tongue out but the hand is ALWAYS by the face...
Posted by little family at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
2008 fair
This year at the fair was really warm and fun. This year it was Brooks, Brianne, Conner, Me, Kortney, Colby, Camie, Carlie at the fair it was so much fun. Kortney loves when Nana and Papa take her down the street to see the goats that someone has. at the fair she loves that she gets to be up close to
them, pet them and hear the sounds they make are just so fun!. I love the fact that if she could pick a animal she would want a goat maybe thats what she should really be for halloween this year is a goat but yet again there is no face painting!. This year the "Grandparents" could not make it with all the kids because Nana was sick and Papa had to work really late but they were oh so very missed...
Posted by little family at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Kortney's Tonsils out

(waiting to check in for surgery) (after check in, waiting to go back to room)
( in ICU recovering, nana gave her a soft zebra she would not let him go his name is strips)
Posted by little family at 11:00 AM 0 comments