Friday, September 12, 2008

2008 fair

This year at the fair was really warm and fun. This year it was Brooks, Brianne, Conner, Me, Kortney, Colby, Camie, Carlie at the fair it was so much fun. Kortney loves when Nana and Papa take her down the street to see the goats that someone has. at the fair she loves that she gets to be up close to them, pet them and hear the sounds they make are just so fun!. I love the fact that if she could pick a animal she would want a goat maybe thats what she should really be for halloween this year is a goat but yet again there is no face painting!. This year the "Grandparents" could not make it with all the kids because Nana was sick and Papa had to work really late but they were oh so very missed...